The Clone Wars: Season Four: Season In Review – Part One

Now that Season Four of The Clone Wars is complete, I thought it would be fun to revisit the season as a whole and discuss its strengths and weaknesses, fun moments and moving scenes, with an emphasis on the story design, characterization, and storytelling techniques used throughout the 22 episodes. Lex and Megan will be joining me for the round-robin Season In Review. So let’s get started with Part One.

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Darth Maul Lives

Cross-posted from Suvudu. There are moments in a movie that are iconic and unforgettable; they become seared in your memory. If you were a Star Wars fan – either by way of the Original Trilogy or by diving in as a new one with Episode I – one of those moments is probably Darth Maul, bisected, falling down into the seemingly endless depths of a melting pit on Naboo. Obi-Wan’s victory gave reason to cheer, at least a little bit, right before we mourned for Qui-Gon. Three cheers, the wicked Sith Lord was dead. Or so we believed.

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Looking Forward to the New Year – 2012 Preview Fangirl-style

Last week I looked back at the top ten moments of 2011 for the blog and for me as a fan. This week, I thought I’d kick off the year with a list of the top ten events I’m most anticipating for 2012. If 2011 is any indication, though, I think it’s a safe bet that my year-end list twelve months from now won’t just be a repeat of this one.

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Twelve Reasons to Watch Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Last week, Lex offered a look at the contrasting paths of TCW and the EU in recent years and encouraged everyone to give TCW at try, even if you might be skeptical that you’ll like the show the way we were originally too. This week, I thought I’d offer another round of encouragement to watch TCW if you’re not already a loyal viewer. I’ve praised TCW extensively in previous blogs, so I’ll keep this short and sweet.

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