Are These the Changes Fans Are Looking For? – SDCC Star Wars Books Announcements

Last week at the Star Wars Expanded Universe panel at San Diego Comic-Con, Del Rey reviewed its upcoming books for the rest of this year and revealed the first three novels for 2013. Have they tackled the major obstacles to the EU novels’ success?

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Silver Linings and Moving Forward – Fangirls Find Their Voices

Over the last five days shock, anger, and disgust have been the predominant fandom emotions for many Expanded Universe fans, especially women. The silver lining is that airing the dirty laundry can become a positive point of change when it provides momentum for moving forward.

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The Heroine’s Journey: How Campbell’s Model Doesn’t Fit

Why isn’t the existing Hero’s Journey model already good enough to use for heroine-centered stories? In this post, we address the three main problems we see in Joseph Campbell’s monomyth and its impact on storytelling, and how we hope to design the Heroine’s Journey model differently to avoid them.

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