Missing The Clone Wars Yet?
Right now it feels like Season Five of The Clone Wars is a long way off. Some of its VIPs have been popping up in the news recently, though.
Read moreRight now it feels like Season Five of The Clone Wars is a long way off. Some of its VIPs have been popping up in the news recently, though.
Read moreIt’s been an exciting week for those following the Star Wars Books Facebook page.
Read moreNow that Season Four of The Clone Wars is complete, I thought it would be fun to revisit the season as a whole and discuss its strengths and weaknesses, fun moments and moving scenes, with an emphasis on the story design, characterization, and storytelling techniques used throughout the 22 episodes. Lex and Megan will be joining me for the round-robin Season In Review. So let’s get started with Part One.
Read moreThe Essential Guide to Warfare hits bookstore shelves, and the ForceCast recently hosted two great interviews with Del Rey’s Frank Parisi and Star Wars voice actor Sam Witwer.
Read moreThe last week or so has been teaserific for Star Wars Expanded Universe fans.
Read moreA few months back, when talking publicity strategy and planning for the blog, I predicted March would be a big month. I already knew Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse had given the female characters some opportunities to really shine and I anticipated that the theatrical release of The Hunger Games would prove to be a game changer. There’s actually a lot to digest from this past weekend, so how about just the numbers for now.
Read moreA young hero from a desolate and isolated region, torn from that life by the evil machinations of an oppressive regime, mentored by a wise-yet-weary warrior, forced into new alliances and a rebellion, a singular life-defining shot that hits its mark… I bet you thought I was talking about Star Wars.
Read moreExciting news in the Expanded Universe today. Entertainment Weekly has the exclusive reveal of the title and cover for Timothy Zahn’s next Star Wars novel.
Read moreThe Clone Wars wound to a close last Friday and Megan has her last review of the season.
Read moreGood stories always have great characters. The great stories always have something more. What sets them apart are themes that resonate deeply with the reader, viewer, or audience. Great stories don’t just entertain – they make us think, challenge our assumptions or beliefs, or inspire us to do great things ourselves.
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