Fangirls, Family, and Female Characters in Star Wars’ Future

Lex here with today’s post. Naturally, the biggest news in the Star Wars franchise in fifteen years erupted two days before the start of NaNoWriMo, when Tricia has committed all her writing time to finalizing her novel Wynde. The team of FANgirl contributors and I will do our best to keep the blog rolling while she’s away. We’ll start with some great coverage inspired by the announcement of the Sequel Trilogy.

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A Long Time Ago: A Fangirl Historian’s Thoughts on Star Wars’ Future

The Disney acquisition of Lucasfilm has already generated a lot of reaction. This is a significant fandom moment that took many years of planning, so I’ve decided to give myself at least a couple of days to pull together an opinion on the matter. In the meantime, one of my fabulous contributors, Priya Chhaya, posted her thoughts as a historian and fangirl over at her personal blog.

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INTERVIEW: James Luceno

At Celebration VI, Linda Hansen-Raj, Mary Sheridan, and I had the pleasure of interviewing several Star Wars Expanded Universe authors. Independent of each other, our questions seemed to come back to a theme: characters. While I put my head down and write, each week the blog will post one of the interviews. First up is my discussion with James Luceno, author of Darth Plagueis.

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Star Wars Reads Day Report

One of my goals for FANgirl Blog has always been to give more fangirls a chance to have their voices heard. So when I found out that Linda’s daughter not only was going to their local Star Wars Reads Day at the bookstore, but also having a Star Wars Reads event at her school, I made sure to offer her a chance to write up her experiences for the blog. Here’s her report. Thanks, Skylar!

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