Seeking SFH: Tyria Sarkin Tainer Fights for the Jedi Team

As I interviewed Allston for the Insider, we had plenty to discuss about strong female characters. Our chat inspired a trip down memory lane, back to the original X-Wing books that had cemented my Expanded Universe fandom. As I reread the series, one of my all-time favorite characters, Tyria Sarkin Tainer, captured my attention once more. Now, though, I was also experiencing the stories with a critical eye toward examining how these female characters become memorable and what made them resonate still.

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Star Wars Weekends 2012: Merchandise Shopping

Disney is famous for offering all kinds of merchandise practically spanning the full range of your imagination, and Hollywood Studios is no exception. Shirts, hats, toys, stuffed animals, Vinylmation figures, souvenir mugs… The list goes on and on. Combine that with Star Wars Weekends, and it’s a fangirl shopper’s dream zone – and maybe a bank account’s nightmare. I couldn’t possibly discuss everything that’s available this year, so here are the highlights from my retail browsing this past Friday.

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Fangirls Around the Web: May 22

I’ve decided to make Fangirls Around the Web a recurring feature on the blog. Although this week’s focus is fangirls in the news at Star Wars Weekends, the updates and links I’ll share in this feature will run the gamut from geek girl news and shout-outs to interesting articles or commentaries on franchises, storytelling, and fandoms.

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Star Wars Weekends 2012: Opening Day

This year I was able to make it to Hollywood Studios for the opening day of Star Wars Weekends. As always, it was great fun! I hope to have reports from several of the subsequent weekends, too. For today, here’s a recap of my highlights from the first day.

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