REVIEW: Fate of the Jedi: Conviction by Aaron Allston

My overall reaction to Conviction is similar to what I felt about Vortex, and it echoes what others have said about this book, as well. On the one hand, standing purely on its own terms, Conviction has solid writing, good characterization, and some classic Allston hilarity. On the other hand, Conviction is seriously dragged down by the weakness and defects in the story design of the Fate of the Jedi series as a whole.

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One Fangirl’s EU Wishlist

I always believe in balancing critical discussion with positive input. I’ve been talking a lot lately about where the EU is lacking, so I wanted to balance that with some ideas on the most appealing element of the Star Wars universe – how much room there is for everyone.

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Killing My Hero, Braving the Unknown, and Giving the ForceCast Cooties

So the month of May might just go down in my personal history books as a win. Shuttle launch, Star Wars Weekends, Celebration VI announcements, lots of great season-ending finales for my favorite television shows, Legacy: War #6… And that isn’t even the real highlights yet!

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