Seeking SFH: Tyria Sarkin Tainer Fights for the Jedi Team

As I interviewed Allston for the Insider, we had plenty to discuss about strong female characters. Our chat inspired a trip down memory lane, back to the original X-Wing books that had cemented my Expanded Universe fandom. As I reread the series, one of my all-time favorite characters, Tyria Sarkin Tainer, captured my attention once more. Now, though, I was also experiencing the stories with a critical eye toward examining how these female characters become memorable and what made them resonate still.

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SEEKING SFH – Mara Jade Skywalker in the Star Wars EU

Seeking SFH is a series highlighting stories with Strong Female Heroines. These are great reads with a heroic female character who is relatable to women. There is a lot of nuance to my opinion, which would take volumes to summarize, but a second good example from the Star Wars Expanded Universe is a character who epitomizes this notion: Mara Jade.

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