May Mayhem Fan Fun: The Cantina Celebrates the Wraiths

Almost exactly three months from today, the release of X-Wing: Mercy Kill marks the triumphant return of a Wraith Squadron novel to the Star Wars Expanded Universe. It’s hard to believe that the Wraiths – and their accompanying mayhem, shenanigans, and camaraderie – have been a big part of my fandom experience for nearly a decade now.

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The Heroine’s Journey: How Campbell’s Model Doesn’t Fit

Why isn’t the existing Hero’s Journey model already good enough to use for heroine-centered stories? In this post, we address the three main problems we see in Joseph Campbell’s monomyth and its impact on storytelling, and how we hope to design the Heroine’s Journey model differently to avoid them.

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It’s a Big (Expanded) Universe – A Fangirl’s Thoughts on Where to Start

Last year at GeekGirlCon’s Star Wars Expanded Universe panel, an audience member posed the question – Where should I start? In our Expanded Universe where the books and comics present one continuous canon, this question pops up with regularity. I’m always interested to see how fans answer it. It’s natural to want to pitch our personal favorites in response, but not everyone who’s asking is going to have the same tastes. So when I’m presented with that question by a curious potential fan, I try to return a question to him or her before considering my response – What is it that you like?

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Star Wars, Strong Female Characters, and GeekGirlCon

Summer is convention high season. While last year’s trip to San Diego Comic Con ranked in the awesome category, I have to admit that being a part of the first GeekGirlCon was the experience of a lifetime. So when my panel application for the 2012 convention was accepted earlier this month, I acted a bit more like a squealing fangirl faced with the prospect of meeting Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, or Harrison Ford than the calmer demeanor that would be befitting a panel moderator.

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