Boy Toys? – Happy Meals from The Clone Wars

By the time I pulled out of the driveway today on my way to practice my Yoda training with Jedi Ganner the horse, I had dallied around a little too much. I was running late and I was hungry. Being a certified geek girl, my first thought for a quick meal brought me to the conclusion that, child or not, a Happy Meal would fit the bill – because of course The Clone Wars are again the featured franchise tie-in toy.

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Killing My Hero, Braving the Unknown, and Giving the ForceCast Cooties

So the month of May might just go down in my personal history books as a win. Shuttle launch, Star Wars Weekends, Celebration VI announcements, lots of great season-ending finales for my favorite television shows, Legacy: War #6… And that isn’t even the real highlights yet!

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