Star Wars Backlist Summer Reading – Mature Romances
For your summer reading pleasure, FGB highlights several Star Wars backlist books that include mature romance in their storylines.
Read moreFor your summer reading pleasure, FGB highlights several Star Wars backlist books that include mature romance in their storylines.
Read moreIf you’re interested in improving an existing business or even starting a new business, I’m going to talk about some of the techniques I have used to become a successful engineer, and then how I plan on applying them to my new passion – getting my first book published and topping that off with successful sales.
Read moreSeeking SFH is a new series at FANgirl Blog meant to highlight stories with strong female heroines.
Read moreIn discussing the first character in my new Seeking Strong Female Heroines series, I realized this topic was going to come up over and over. Who hasn’t heard the accusation in this blog’s title?
Read moreTomorrow the Star Wars Expanded Universe novels backlist goes digital, with over 100 titles being made available as ebooks. In the upcoming weeks, I’ll be highlighting books on that list that I’ve enjoyed as a Star Wars fan in a Summer Reading Roundup. I’ll also feature specific books from the backlist in my new series Looking for Strong Female Heroines, in which I’ll suggest story arcs that will fill your fangirl cravings for heroine-centric tales.
Read moreHarry Potter fans might be a little disappointed that Pottermore isn’t more Harry Potter books, but I bet franchises are watching with carefully. This is the first major franchise to take the big step away from the traditional publishing houses to self-publish. With the upcoming changes in the editorial leadership at Lucasfilm, I’ve been wondering if Star Wars might be considering the same bold leap away from Del Rey.
Read moreIn May, my blog post Luke Skywalker Must Die generated a lot of discussion within the fandom, and even caught
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Read moreLuckily for movie-goers, there are a lot of scifi and fantasy choices in theaters this summer. In fact, there have been quite a few good movies, but among this delightful summer fare Super 8 sets itself apart. For this review, I’m going to give it the highest recommendation: if you can only pick one movie to see in the next couple of months, Super 8 should be it.
Read moreThis FANgirl wishes her dad a big huge virtual hug on Father’s Day.
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