Star Wars 2012 Travel Blog

My calendar is always chock full, and between horse shows, family trips, and fandom opportunities I find it helpful to sit down and budget those vacation days from work early on. So for those who are thinking about including a Star Wars-related trip in your year, here are top events on my list for consideration. Needless to say, much as I might wish, I’m not going to be able to do them all!

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REVIEW: Star Wars: Shadow Games

I have to admit that some part of me felt like I should read Shadow Games, but it came down to an issue of priorities, and this book just wasn’t making the cut. Then one of those unexpected emails popped up in my inbox from a reader who has made thoughtful commentary in response to some of my blogs. Megan’s review of Shadow Games will be the first of hopefully many more contributions.

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Looking Forward to the New Year – 2012 Preview Fangirl-style

Last week I looked back at the top ten moments of 2011 for the blog and for me as a fan. This week, I thought I’d kick off the year with a list of the top ten events I’m most anticipating for 2012. If 2011 is any indication, though, I think it’s a safe bet that my year-end list twelve months from now won’t just be a repeat of this one.

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Top Ten Moments of 2011

Reflecting on a top ten moments for 2011 in a blog post is really something I’m doing for me, because I like to see where I thought I’d go and where I actually ended up. It helps in future goal-setting and gives me a bright spot to return to when I need a pick-me-up. But if you want to catch up on what’s been happening at FANgirl Blog, I’ve got a lot of the year captured in today’s post. In reverse order, my top ten of 2011…

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Shaping a Heroine – A Father’s Daughter

The more I write, the more I’ve come to the determination that writers really do write what they know, and if you really want to know who you are, it’s as simple as looking back at what you’ve written. Ultimately that requires being critical of your flaws and weaknesses. And it’s true, self-awareness can be a bitch sometimes. When I started creating my heroine, Vespa Wynde, I realized that she, like me, would be defined by her family. Most importantly her parents – Daemyn Wynde and Utara Fireheart.

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