Linda Interviews Dan Wallace about Sabine’s Sketchbook

Sabine Sketchbook coverLast month I reviewed the Star Wars Rebels tie-book Sabine: My Rebel Sketchbook. In addition to the review, I had a chance to interview its author, Dan Wallace, about the book. He is a prolific Star Wars contributor, including titles such as The Essential Atlas, The Jedi Path and The Book of Sith, and the forthcoming Ultimate Star Wars. For the Rebels series, he previously wrote Ezra Bridger’s Rebel Journal.

2. How was it different (or similar) to the other Star Wars books you’ve written?

A lot of the Star Wars books I’ve written are encyclopedias and non-fiction guides, but in cases like Rebel Journal by Ezra Bridger or even The Jedi Path, there’s an opportunity to write in the first-person from the perspective of somebody living in that universe. Those are generally my favorite things to write, since it involves getting in somebody’s head. Sabine was a great character for this. Sometimes it can get a little creepy, like trying to capture the thoughts of an amoral dark side medical experimenter in Book of Sith, but I really enjoy trying to see events from another POV.

Click here for the full interview.

Linda has been a Star Wars fan from the time she saw Episode IV in the theatre with her parents and insisted on being Han Solo while playing with the neighborhood kids. She’s now a fangirl who splits her time learning to twirl a bo staff like Ray Park, jumping horses, writing fanfic she dreams up on her commute to work, and spending time with her husband and their own feisty Padawan version of Ahsoka. She can be reached at and on Twitter.



Linda has been a Star Wars fan from the time she saw Episode IV in the theatre with her parents and insisted on being Han Solo while playing with the neighborhood kids. She’s now a fangirl who splits her time learning to twirl a bo staff like Ray Park, jumping horses, writing fanfic she dreams up on her commute to work, and spending time with her husband and their own feisty Padawan version of Ahsoka.