Four Years and Counting: Skylar

Our retrospectives series from FANgirl contributors continues with thoughts on the past, present, and future of Star Wars and fandom from Linda’s daughter Skylar, who asked to participate, too.

1) Name five things that you love about Star Wars.

  1. the characters
  2. the people I’ve been able to meet through Star Wars
  3. Jedi Training Academy
  4. the lightsabers
  5. the movies

2) Four years ago where was your Star Wars fandom?

About four years ago I had just started to watch Star Wars (I was eight). That year I was Padmé Amidala for Halloween and I had a really cool blaster gun that was especially useful if any attacking Sith came into my room.

3) Do you feel more or less connected to fandom now?

I definitely feel more connected now. When I first saw Star Wars I knew it was a cool movie but I didn’t know any other girls who actually liked it. Since then I’ve met so many wonderful people through GeekGirlCon, social media, and FANgirl.

4) Name 3-5 areas where Star Wars can improve.

I really wish Star Wars included more women into the movies, shows, and games. In the movies, Princess Leia and Padmé are the only strong female warrior – but they’re both royalty. So now I have to be a princess in order to be strong? Star Wars can also improve their merchandising towards girls. For example, if I want a Star Wars shirt, I have to find it in the boys section at the store. I also wish Star Wars would include more girls into their video games.

5) It’s been two years since the Disney sale was announced. Have your feelings about the sale changed?

When the sale was first announced I was surprised, and wondered about the future of Star Wars. However I’m looking forward to seeing the new movies and I hope this means more Star Wars rides in Disneyland!

6) Name five things you hope to see from Star Wars in the future.

  1. a clothing line for girls
  2. more Star Wars rides in Disneyland
  3. comic book with a female lead character like Ms.Marvel
  4. more books
  5. more girls my age in the fandom

7) What has influenced you the most to keep you involved in fandom?

All the events and activities I’ve attended, plus the growing amount of fans.

8) Name something you’ve learned while participating in FANgirl.

My writing has improved, but I’ve also learned more about the film and publishing industry (and, of course, I learned more about Star Wars).

9) List five characters you would like to see in the future of Star Wars.

  1. Ahsoka
  2. Thrawn
  3. more ethnic characters
  4. Han Solo
  5. re-spawned Sith Lord

10) Looking ahead, what ways do you want to affect change for the better in fandom?

I want to encourage other fans my age to feel free to join the fandom without being bullied.

Linda has been a Star Wars fan from the time she saw Episode IV in the theatre with her parents and insisted on being Han Solo while playing with the neighborhood kids. She’s now a fangirl who splits her time learning to twirl a bo staff like Ray Park, jumping horses, writing fanfic she dreams up on her commute to work, and spending time with her husband and their own feisty Padawan version of Ahsoka. She can be reached at and on Twitter.



Linda has been a Star Wars fan from the time she saw Episode IV in the theatre with her parents and insisted on being Han Solo while playing with the neighborhood kids. She’s now a fangirl who splits her time learning to twirl a bo staff like Ray Park, jumping horses, writing fanfic she dreams up on her commute to work, and spending time with her husband and their own feisty Padawan version of Ahsoka.