REVIEW: Star Wars: Shadow Games

I have to admit that some part of me felt like I should read Shadow Games, but it came down to an issue of priorities, and this book just wasn’t making the cut. Then one of those unexpected emails popped up in my inbox from a reader who has made thoughtful commentary in response to some of my blogs. Megan’s review of Shadow Games will be the first of hopefully many more contributions.

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REVIEW: Star Wars: The Blueprints

Weighing over twenty-five pounds, Star Wars: The Blueprints is literally a hefty new addition to the line of nonfiction coffee-table books that give fans behind-the-scenes glimpses at the creative process of the Star Wars films, providing an in-depth look at a stage of the creative process rarely seen previously by the public: the technical drawings from the production design department.

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REVIEW: Ink-Stained Amazons and Cinematic Warriors

As I prepared my review of Ink-Stained Amazons and Cinematic Warriors: Superwomen in Modern Mythology by Jennifer K. Stuller, I found myself jotting down some comments about fandom, feminism, and storytelling that I wanted to share in the introductory blog post. Some turned into more – then a lot, and I reconsidered how to present all the ideas the book had inspired for me. So I’m keeping today’s post short; I don’t want a voluminous blog with my own commentary to overshadow how important Stuller’s book is.

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