Traipsing Through the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull with Indiana Jones and Nerd Lunch

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Poster
This one.

I’m back on the Nerd Lunch podcast for one last Indiana Jones movies drill-down (at least for now). After revisiting Raiders of the Lost Ark, Temple of Doom, and The Last Crusade, we found ourselves face-to-face with Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

Everyone on the panel was less than thrilled back when we first watched this 2008 movie, and I, for one, was curious if like with Star Wars’ The Phantom Menace, I could transcend that initial disappointment to see more value in the film after some time and distance.

Well, you’ll have to listen to find out how that went. I’ll say this though – by the end, I surprised myself.

Of course we cover our favorite and least favorite elements, but there’s also discussion of what makes Marion work as a character, punching, 1999’s The Mummy, the Indiana Jones approach to fatherhood, and wavering accents.

You can find Nerd Lunch #260 – Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Drill Down on iTunes, Stitcher, and Libsyn as well as embedded below.

Nerd Lunch 4th Chair ArmyThe previous installments of our look at Indiana Jones are linked above. Be sure to check them out if you haven’t already. And if you’re unfamiliar with Todd’s toy art, take a look at JunkFed.

Thank you to CT, Pax, and Jeeg for letting Todd and I dive into these movies with the team. Thank you for tuning in and following us “into the space between spaces”.


Crystal Skull fragility
You see, the skull represents the fragility of potential. (img: Lucasfilm)


She grew up wanting to be an astronaut. After seeing Star Wars, she wanted to be Princess Leia, Han Solo, and an astronaut. Life’s taken her on a bit of a different path, but she’s okay with that. Kay is FANgirl's resident geek fashion expert and co-host of the Hyperspace Theories podcast. She reviews books and movies for the site with a heart for storytelling and a mind that likes to analyze. Kay's been a guest on various podcasts sharing her love and knowledge of storytelling, film-making, fashion, and of course, Star Wars. Most days are filled with her work as a creative services professional - designing websites & branding, photographing, voice acting, editing, and more. Kay spends the little bit of free time she has reading, costuming, and, of course, making pew pew noises. She would pick up more jobs and hobbies if she was a Time Lord.