POLL: Reading the Ending – Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse
I took a little ribbing from a few pals for reading the ending of Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse first, then going back to the beginning. Well, that wasn’t quite true, either. First I skimmed for parts that included my favorite characters, then I started at the beginning.
The topic of reading the ending came up in the Lomin Ale Cantina, and it turns out I’m not the only person who wants to know the destination before starting the journey. A while back the subject of spoilers came up over at TheMarySue.com, and since then I’ve been pondering the implications of the UC San Diego study noted in that article.
So I thought I’d pose the question to blog readers: Did you read the ending of Apocalypse first? (See the sidebar to vote.)
After answering the poll’s question, please add a comment to this post and share any qualifiers you might have to your yes or no answer, reasons why you did what you did, or if this is an isolated case of “I just had to know before I started.” Feedback is much appreciated on this topic, and I promise no ribbing from this fangirl.
On the subject of Apocalypse, Racheal Ambrose attended Troy Denning’s book signing in Indiana last night and posted a nice summary over at The Galactic Drift.
Finally, if you’re talking about giving up the ball to incite fan excitement, The Clone Wars has embraced the philosophy. Darth Maul’s appearance has been out of the bag for quite some time and his resurrection isn’t the first time Filoni & Company have spoiled the fans. Still, the unknown details surrounding the story are still quite intriguing. EW.com posted an exclusive sneak peek of the Darth Maul/Obi-Wan rematch, and you can vote for your favorite before the season finale airs tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. Eastern on Cartoon Network. (I guess we’re on a poll roll today.)
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I voted no because personally I ascribe to a variance on the old adage that “it’s not the destination but the journey”. I feel that the journey is just as important as the destination. I feel that without the journey the destination might not make any sense because sometime through the trip to get where your going you might realize thats not where you want to be anyway.
I read the end of Apocalypse before starting to read from the beginning. The ending of LotF was somewhat disappointed, and since Denning wrote that too, I was worried how the ending to FotJ would turn out. FotJ has been a very frustrating and disappointing series. The romance between Jaina and Jag has been drawn out so long, and Abeloth just became a very confusing villain. Because of this, I was more interested in how the series would end than in the writing of the book. Reading the end didn’t spoil the book for me, however. I still enjoyed reading Apocalypse, and it was definitely one of the best books of the series.
I usually don’t get too emotionally vested in a character, but I was really pulling for Vestara to walk away from her sith upbinging. There certainly have been jedi who have done worse thing and still been redeemed. I think the ending was rushed and too much left unsaid and i hope in a future book, Vestara gets to reveal her side of events to the jedi and a path to redemption can be offered