Getting to Know You – Introducing Characters to the Reader
Introducing characters to the audience is one of the hardest parts of writing a novel, and the fangirl is still reading, writing and learning as she goes.
Read moreIntroducing characters to the audience is one of the hardest parts of writing a novel, and the fangirl is still reading, writing and learning as she goes.
Read moreThe more I write, the more I’ve come to the determination that writers really do write what they know, and if you really want to know who you are, it’s as simple as looking back at what you’ve written. Ultimately that requires being critical of your flaws and weaknesses. And it’s true, self-awareness can be a bitch sometimes. When I started creating my heroine, Vespa Wynde, I realized that she, like me, would be defined by her family. Most importantly her parents – Daemyn Wynde and Utara Fireheart.
Read moreThe title reveal for my upcoming novel, and its teaser trailer.
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