Everything is Awesome from Fangirls Going Rogue
This month Teresa Delgado, Sarah Woloski, and Tricia Barr get out of the house! Teresa and Sarah share their experience
Read moreThis month Teresa Delgado, Sarah Woloski, and Tricia Barr get out of the house! Teresa and Sarah share their experience
Read moreHappy May the Fourth from the team at Fangirls Going Rogue. Episode 21.3 Captain America Takes Flight ends without a
Read moreThis month Teresa Delgado, Sarah Woloski, and Tricia Barr dig into the themes and messages of Disney+’s The Falcon and
Read moreCritically acclaimed animated show The Clone Wars brought depth and breadth to the faceless clones of the prequel trilogy, creating
Read moreThe second episode of 2021 is packed with news from the Disney Shareholder meeting. Is Kathleen Kennedy staying? When will
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