Everything is Awesome from Fangirls Going Rogue

This month Teresa Delgado, Sarah Woloski, and Tricia Barr get out of the house! Teresa and Sarah share their experience at LEGOLAND for the opening of Movie World and Disneyland the following day. On the Star Wars front, there is news regarding Dave Filoni and lots of love for The Bad Batch. Our character discussion features Fennec Shand, played by Ming-Na Wen.
DON’T FORGET OUR ZOOM DISCUSSIONS SATURDAY NIGHTS AT 8 PM ET / 5 PM PT. We have Loki and The Bad Batch to discuss with fans.
- Last month’s Priority Transmission on The Bad Batch
- Dave Filoni’s new title via Variety
- Doug Chiang interview via StarWars.com
- The High Republic: The Rising Storm excerpt
- The High Republic Wave 2 initial reactions from Skywalking Through Neverland
- Hyperspace Theories: The Mandalorian Season 2 storytelling deep dive via FANgirl Blog
- Teresa’s LEGOLAND Movie World experience
- Podcast @fggoingrogue Twitter | Instagram
- Teresa Delgado @icecoldpenguin Twitter | Instagram
- Sarah Woloski @JediTink Twitter | Instagram
- Tricia Barr @fangirlcantina Twitter | Instagram
- Sandra Choute @geekchic9 Twitter | Instagram
- Kai Charles @YogiKai Twitter | Instagram
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- Email: contact@fangirlsgoingrogue.com(or use our Contact page)
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- T-shirts: at our Tee Public Store
- Hyperspace Theories: SKELETON CREW Ahoy! - December 29, 2024
- Hyperspace Theories: WICKED Part I Rises to the Moment - December 6, 2024
- Columbia’s Vader™ Collection Launches Dec 5 - November 27, 2024