Fangirls Going Rogue On Disney and D23 Expo

D23 Expo brought so much news for Star Wars and Disney fans. Needless to say, we were excited to talk about it all! From Obi-Wan Kenobi’s return to The Rise of Skywalker Special Look, this episode tackles it all, even things beyond the galaxy far, far away. Sarah Woloski talks to Nat Geo’s Manu Madeddu, who is in charge of Brand Strategy. The character discussion explores Disney’s influences on Star Wars as a franchise.
- Ashley Eckstein Leia Ears coming to Disney Parks on October 4th! via Disney Parks Blog
- The Mandalorian coverage at EW
- Julia Jones to appear in The Mandalorian via Club Jade
- CNET Disney+ shows coverage
- #FangirlsatD23 on Twitter and Instagram
As always, reviews and ratings are our life blood. If you enjoyed this episode take a moment to leave a review and share it on social media. Thanks for listening, and until next time: Yub yub!
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