Razor’s Edge Art: Have You Seen This Fellow Before?
Do you ever look at a picture of a fictional character and think, “I feel like I know that person.” To me, this fellow looks like a Star Wars blogger. Although a few others I mentioned the resemblance to didn’t see it. Like words, images draw on memories, emotions, and a whole host of other triggers, and for each person those elements are different. No two people will ever see an image or read a book and have exactly the same experience.
This is Kifar Itran, and he’s an interesting character. One that I look forward to talking about, after everyone has had a chance to read Razor’s Edge. Speaking of which, Del Rey dropped another micro-excerpt between Han and Leia. This one is a favorite moment of mine in the book. Check it out at the Star Wars Books Facebook page.
So who is your favorite of the original new characters we have featured so far? Caline Metara, Sian Tesar, or Kifar Itran? Share your choice with @DelReyStarWars with the hashtag #RazorsEdgeArt.
Up tomorrow is one of my favorite images of the leading lady of Star Wars.
You can preorder Empire and Rebellion: Razor’s Edge here.
Update: Here’s how Kifar fits into the overall image.
For updates on all things FANgirl follow @FANgirlcantina on Twitter or like FANgirl Zone on Facebook. At times she tries the Tumblr.
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