Sharing Star Wars: Priya
Priya is up next in our Sharing Star Wars series leading up to May the Fourth.
When did you first discover Star Wars?
During a snowstorm.
What parts of Star Wars stories have you experienced? (such as books, comics, games, movies, television show)
Movies and Books.
How do you share your passion for Star Wars? (such as message boards, conventions, fan fiction, fan art, cosplay)
I used to read and write fanfiction, now I write for FANgirl!
List the first five words that come to mind when you hear “Star Wars.”
The Force, Space, Triumph, Inspiring, Storytelling
List your six favorite stories in Star Wars in any medium or format, and tell why they made your list.
The moments in The Empire Strikes Back on Cloud City. Between Luke finding out about his father, and Leia and Han realizing how they felt about one another, that last hour blows me away every time.
The Thrawn Trilogy: Mara Jade. She was the first female character in a book that impressed me.
Rogue Squadron. Action, Adventure, Romance – what more can you ask for?
I, Jedi. Learning more about Corran Horn was fun.
Wraith Squadron. The humor pushed the world of fighter pilots even further.
Revenge of the Sith. When you read the novelization and watch the movie together it’s kind of a great experience seeing how things fit together.
List your six favorite characters, and tell why they made your list.
Mara Jade. Strong female character, but also her journey back from her life with Palpatine.
Han Solo. A scoundrel, but one who always lives with honor. Even in the novels when you get his backstory he is unpredictable, smart, and always interesting.
Leia. A princess who took something terrible and channeled it into trying to make the galaxy a better place.
Wedge. Leadership quality, but honestly when you put him together with Janson and Hobbie I can’t help but smile.
Mirax. Another one of those whip-smart female characters who always had her wits about her.
Padmé Amidala. Smart – we can see where her daughter got her intelligence and political saavy from – and with a wardrobe that I always saw as works of art.
Name five items you have that show your Star Wars pride. (such as collectibles, shirts, art)
A t-shirt from Her Universe. A Darth Vader Mr. Potato Head. These awesome pewter R2-D2 and Ewok statues. A matryoshka doll a teacher brought back for me from Russia. A Lego Yoda on my keychain.
List the five best moments from your experience of being a Star Wars fan. (such as a scene read or watched, meeting with a VIP, a panel at a convention)
Winning at Star Wars Trivial Pursuit (it’s harder than you think!). Standing in line for Revenge of the Sith. The moment at the end of Vision of the Future when Luke and Mara finally make it official. Seeing Empire on the big screen. Going to see the Yoda statue at the Lucasfilm Presidio offices.
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