Kay Kermit Flails with Nerd Lunch

MuppetsThe Muppets have been a part of my life for a bit longer than Star Wars. Why I love these frogs and bears and chickens and things could probably fill an essay so I was thrilled to be invited back to the Nerd Lunch podcast to discuss two of the Muppet holiday stories – Muppet Family Christmas and A Muppet Christmas Carol.

And since last time I was on the podcast we discussed Star Wars, we took a couple minutes to comment on The Force Awakens teaser trailer.

From the show notes:

The Nerd Lunch crew welcome back returning guest Kay from Fangirlblog.com and the Hyperspace Theories Podcast. After actually discussing a little “Geek News” (™The Atomic Geeks), the podcasters talk about two classic Muppet Christmas productions, Muppet Family Christmas and A Muppet Christmas Carol. In the discussion are thoughts on how they work as annual viewing traditions, their overall quality and their place in history as one of the last Jim Henson Muppet projects and one of the first without him. You could call “Nerd To-Dos” “Nerd To-Whos” this week as there are two Doctor Who items. Also Star Wars book reading and additional Christmas special watching makes the lists.

Listen to the episode right here:

or on iTunes.

Be sure to listen for the guys’ Muppet impressions. For me they were a fantastic surprise.


Kay grew up wanting to be an astronaut. After seeing Star Wars, she wanted to be Princess Leia, Han Solo, and an astronaut. Life’s taken her on a bit of a different path, but she’s still a Star Wars fangirl at heart who enjoys surprising people with how geeky she really is. Currently a voice actor, photographer, and artist who also consults in communications and marketing, Kay spends the little bit of free time she has reading, writing, learning and, of course, making pew pew noises. She would pick up more jobs and hobbies if she was a Time Lord. You can follow her on Twitter.



She grew up wanting to be an astronaut. After seeing Star Wars, she wanted to be Princess Leia, Han Solo, and an astronaut. Life’s taken her on a bit of a different path, but she’s okay with that. Kay is FANgirl's resident geek fashion expert and co-host of the Hyperspace Theories podcast. She reviews books and movies for the site with a heart for storytelling and a mind that likes to analyze. Kay's been a guest on various podcasts sharing her love and knowledge of storytelling, film-making, fashion, and of course, Star Wars. Most days are filled with her work as a creative services professional - designing websites & branding, photographing, voice acting, editing, and more. Kay spends the little bit of free time she has reading, costuming, and, of course, making pew pew noises. She would pick up more jobs and hobbies if she was a Time Lord.