Surprises and Synergy in the Star Wars Fandom

Remember when I talked about liking the unexpected in my 2012 look-ahead blog? Well, it’s just a little bit past the middle of January, and I’ve already had a few of my wishes granted. Some I can’t talk about yet, but one I’d better let out of the bag because it’s happening tomorrow – I’m back on the Clone Wars Roundtable with Jason and Jimmy Mac from the ForceCast!

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The Life and Death of Padmé – Without Lore, Is It Just Lipservice for the Leading Lady of Star Wars?

The reception of Darth Plagueis serves to illustrate one of the ways the EU can be used effectively to reach a broad range of fans, including those who aren’t necessarily EU-focused but would be interested in movie-focused stories. The still underdeveloped backstories of the saga’s two female leads, Padmé Amidala and Leia Organa, provide the perfect opportunity to bring depth to the EU lore while also tapping into the interests of female fans.

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Star Wars 2012 Travel Blog

My calendar is always chock full, and between horse shows, family trips, and fandom opportunities I find it helpful to sit down and budget those vacation days from work early on. So for those who are thinking about including a Star Wars-related trip in your year, here are top events on my list for consideration. Needless to say, much as I might wish, I’m not going to be able to do them all!

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REVIEW: Star Wars: Shadow Games

I have to admit that some part of me felt like I should read Shadow Games, but it came down to an issue of priorities, and this book just wasn’t making the cut. Then one of those unexpected emails popped up in my inbox from a reader who has made thoughtful commentary in response to some of my blogs. Megan’s review of Shadow Games will be the first of hopefully many more contributions.

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