Review: Incredibles 2

Fourteen years in the making, Incredibles 2 picks up closely to where its predecessor left off. Violet and Dash, children of superheroes Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl, have been encouraged to use their superpowers since they had to save their dad in the last movie. Everyday life – babysitting, potential first dates, and inter-family drama – makes every act of heroism that much bigger of a challenge. When the heroic family chases off the Underminer, the city police remind the superheroes that their acts are still illegal and the politicians who had still been supporting their actions withdraw, leaving the Parr family stranded in a motel and rethinking their life.

Along comes telecommunications guru Winston Deavor with a plan to revive the superhero legacy, with the help from technology built by his sister Evelyn Deavor. But they don’t want Mr. Incredible – the cost/benefit reports make him a poor choice for the damage left in his wake. They want Elastigirl. So with a new suit and some new kit, she sets out to prove that superheroes are meant to save the day. This leaves Mr. Incredible taking a stab at being a stay-at-home father. How hard can it be when you’re a superhero who has superhero kids?

Amid the fantastical set pieces are poignant reflections on identity, gender roles, adolescence, and parenting that take place against the backdrop of the story. The villain Screenslaver challenges society’s obsession with mass media and the inability of some to think beyond what they are fed on television. Edna Mode makes an appearance that will make you laugh out loud, yet serves as a reminder that children are born with vast potential and that it should be cherished. Holly Hunter is great at Elastigirl – this is her movie – and Craig T. Nelson reins it in for most of the movie, until one dramatic sequence, not about being a superhero but rather being a father. Jack Jack doesn’t have much to say beyond baby talk, but he’s a scene stealer.

This movie is spectacular: from the production design, voice-acting, sound, and music. I recommend seeing it on a big screen with a top notch sound system. I saw it in a RPX theater and Mr. Incredible’s punch reverberated up through the seats.

My only nitpick on this movie is that it could have pushed farther on inclusion in the cast. Hopefully Frozone and Honey will be the next step for this franchise. You always want more when he is on screen.



Tricia Barr took her understanding of brand management and marketing, mixed it with a love of genre storytelling, and added a dash of social media flare to create FANgirl Blog, where she discusses Star Wars, fandom, and the intersection of women within Star Wars fandom. She is co-author of Ultimate Star Wars and Star Wars Visual Encyclopedia from DK Publishing, a featured writer for Star Wars Insider magazine with numerous articles on the Hero's Journey. Her FANgirl opinions can be heard on the podcasts Hyperspace Theories and Fangirls Going Rogue. Tricia Barr's novel, Wynde, won the 2014 Independent Publisher Book Award Gold Medal for Best Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror Ebook. She was also part of Silence in the Library's successful all-female creator science fiction and fantasy anthology Athena's Daughters, which is available now. For excerpts and tales of her adventures in creating a fictional universe, hop over to

One thought on “Review: Incredibles 2

  • June 26, 2018 at 11:41 pm

    Pixar’s 14 years in the making superhero sequel gave fans something they have been waiting for a long time and that is Mr & Mrs Incredible.

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