Fangirls Going Rogue July 2014: Star Wars Slumber Party!
For the July 2014 episode of Fangirls Going Rogue, Tricia and Teresa decided to have a slumber party.
Before our guest arrived, we interviewed Ashley Eckstein. She recapped the incredible response to the Her Universe Star Wars fashion at Star Wars Weekends, then shared some insights into her Marvel line and the San Diego Comic-Con Fashion Show. FANgirl recapped the social media buzz from the show and Popsugar has a gallery of all the fashion from the runway.
Fabulous fangirl Consetta Parker of Parker Publicity joined the slumber party. She shared a fascinating look at her path to a geek career and told some cool details about the Rancho Obi-Wan Gala in September. Between pillow fights and glitter throwing a number of topics were discussed, including the wide coverage Star Wars is getting from major media, the Lucas Museum’s choosing its location as Chicago, and the marvelous way Star Wars Katie and the 501st helped another bullied fangirl enjoy her fandom. With Consetta being a huge Harrison Ford fan, talk turned to his injury and fan response to it. Listener feedback was sprinkled throughout the episode.
Mother Talzin was the focus of the character discussion. She might be one of the fangirls’ favorite characters.
Check out Consetta’s website Parker Publicity for more information. You can find her on Twitter @ParkerPublicity.
Below are the many ways to provide feedback to the show:
Fangirls Going Rogue: @FGGoingRogue
Tricia: @fangirlcantina
Teresa: @icecoldpenguin
Facebook: search for Fangirls Going Rogue
Instagram: @FGGoingRogue
Voicemail: 331-21 Ewoks or 331-213-9657
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Until next month – Yub Yub!
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