Sharing Star Wars: Megan
Leading up to Star Wars Day, May the Fourth, we’ll be featuring FANgirl Blog’s contributors sharing why Star Wars is special to them. Up first, Megan Crouse!
When did you first discover Star Wars?
I was thirteen when my father took me to see Attack of the Clones at my request. I think the nexu was the first thing I loved. Soon after a friend showed me the Original Trilogy, aghast that I hadn’t seen them, and I was hooked.
What parts of Star Wars stories have you experienced? (such as books, comics, games, movies, television show)
As many parts as possible! I pay the most attention to The Clone Wars (and presumably whatever the next Star Wars television show will be) and to the books, but will also occasionally pick up comics or video games.
How do you share your passion for Star Wars? (such as message boards, conventions, fan fiction, fan art, cosplay)
Mostly I write nonfiction like this, although I used to be really into the fanfic community. I also go to the occasional convention.
List the first five words that come to mind when you hear “Star Wars.”
Good vs. evil. Space. Heroes.
List your six favorite stories in Star Wars in any medium or format, and tell why they made your list.
Aaah, this is tough. The Original Trilogy. Knights of the Old Republic, because it made me feel like a Jedi. The New Jedi Order because of its wacky aliens. Matthew Stover’s Revenge of the Sith novelization because it made me cry. Kevin J. Anderson’s Jedi Academy series because I want to go there.
List your six favorite characters, and tell why they made your list.
Luke Skywalker, because I think all of us know what it’s like to want to get off a farm. Darth Maul, because he’s the most complex simple character ever. After this is gets murky, but I’m going to list Tahiri Veila because her transformation into a Yuuzhan Vong was really interesting, Asajj Ventress because she holds her own as a main character on TCW without choosing sides, and Kit Fisto because Nautolans are the best species ever.
Name five items you have that show your Star Wars pride. (such as collectibles, shirts, art)
My Darth Maul FX lightsaber, a first edition of the A New Hope novelization from before the movie came out, various action figures… But really I show my fandom more with words than with items. (The shelf of novels in chronological order inhabits a gray area.)
List the five best moments from your experience of being a Star Wars fan. (such as a scene read or watched, meeting with a VIP, a panel at a convention)
Meeting Ray Park at Celebration V and having a chat with him about martial arts. Anthony Daniels happening to come in to chat with him too at the same time. Running into David Prowse at a book signing in England. (I was just looking for a book store, and this one happened to have storm troopers in front of it.) Countless all-night movie marathons and plastic lightsaber fights and friendships. And being asked to write for FANgirl Blog!
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