June 2011 Preview
May kicked April’s butt in terms of feedback, and unique and return visitors, since I launched FANgirl Blog. That’s in part due to the Luke Skywalker Must Die post, which generated a lot of discussion. And that was the point. The broader base of EU fans was showing a marked apathy, while the editor in charge of Star Wars revealed in an interview she doesn’t do market research. Based on the general direction the books coming from Del Rey had taken, this mindset wasn’t a surprise. If nothing else, proposing the death of Luke Skywalker stoked the fires of fan passion and got voices heard.
So in June, I’m going to discuss some basic principles of marketing for success and business best practices. These are tidbits you pick up over a career of working in the corporate world – and that corporations make you relearn over and over in case someone in your division didn’t get it. Setting out on getting my first novel published, I’ve been reading, asking questions, and observing trends so I can best understand how I can succeed. Between Michael Stackpole and KrisWrites blogs on publishing and my own experience as a book buyer, fan, and businesswoman, it’s becoming quite apparent which publishers and authors are ahead of the game and who’s lagging behind.

REVIEWS: Fate of the Jedi: Conviction and Legacy: War – As a reader I’m going to tell you what I liked and disliked about these two EU offerings, and let you take away my opinion, and that of other reviews, to make a decision about whether to purchase, borrow, or ignore them. That’s your right as a fan. No lectures here, just critical analysis on writing craft, storytelling, and characterization. As a female reader, I also take a look at the book for parity in female characters. It’s not something I want to do, but it’s something that needs to be done until fangirls start feeling like Star Wars is putting out stories that serve a broader audience.
Not sure I can top last month, but I will promise more quality, thoughtful discussion on topics that are timely and relevant. Sometimes, we’ll just have fun too.
Here are a few of the other things we’re looking forward to in June:
New Movies
- X-Men: First Class – June 3rd
- Super 8 – June 10th
- Green Lantern – June 17th
- Transformers: Dark of the Moon – June 29th
New Releases on DVD
- Battle Los Angeles – June 14th
- Red Riding Hood – June 14th
- The Adjustment Bureau – June 21st
- Sucker Punch – June 28th
- Warehouse 13: Season Two – June 28th
Television Premieres
- White Collar – June 7th, 9:00 p.m. on USA
- Covert Affairs – June 7th, 10:00 p.m. on USA
- Falling Skies – June 19th, 9:00 p.m. on TNT
- True Blood – June 26th, 9:00 p.m. on HBO
- Fangirls Going Rogue: Skeleton Crew Finale and Captain America: Brave New World - February 25, 2025
- Fangirls Going Rogue: Friendship as Theme in Wicked and Skeleton Crew - January 26, 2025
- Fangirls Going Rogue: SKELETON CREW Mysteries! - December 16, 2024