Celebration VI: Secrets of the Chiss Jedi

For all the high-profile events a Celebration convention can bring – Mark Hamill or Carrie Fisher, Last Tour to Endor or The Clone Wars Red Carpet Premiere, even The Maker himself – there is always great fun and insight to be had at the smaller, less prominent panels. One of this year’s true highlights for me was a Thursday evening panel in the Star Wars University room: Ryder Windham’s “Secrets of the Chiss Jedi,” discussing the Secret Missions young-readers series and its starring character, Nuru Kungurama.

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Celebration VI: Del Rey Panels Recap

Celebration VI featured two panels to discuss upcoming Del Rey products in the Expanded Universe: Friday morning’s panel on the novels and Sunday afternoon’s panel on the Essential guidebooks. Although the number of new product reveals was small, especially with San Diego Comic-Con’s announcements just a month before, fans did learn about a number of new initiatives to help increase the EU’s visibility and availability.

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