Assembly of Geeks: Star Wars Discussion with Dan Zehr

The latest episode of Assembly of Geeks is live.

Dan Zehr (Professor Geek) of Coffee With Kenobi joins the supergeek assembly for an in-depth Star Warsy discussion.  In fact, it’s such a comprehensive and passionate discussion, that GANNIN has trouble getting them to come to Control Central to get news reports.

From the moment Professor Geek arrives at the Fantastic Fortress, the Star Wars talk begins and runs all the way to the assembly meeting.  There, the supergeeks vote on the likability of the Ewoks.

Some of the Force-powered questions and topics include:

  • Were the Special Editions necessary and should George Lucas be allowed to make any changes he wants (since it’s his story)?
  • What do we think about the post-prequel trilogy changes to the original trilogy (changing Boba Fett’s voice, Hayden Christensen’s Anakin spirit, etc)?
  • How good (or bad) are the prequels?  What did we expect from them and what did we get?
  • What to make of Padme losing “the will to live?”
  • Do we want the original cast in Episode VII?

And much more!

This is a must-attend assembly meeting for any Star Wars fan.

You can also subscribe to the show on iTunes.

For updates on all things FANgirl follow @FANgirlcantina on Twitter or like FANgirl Zone on Facebook. At times she tries the Tumblr.



Tricia Barr took her understanding of brand management and marketing, mixed it with a love of genre storytelling, and added a dash of social media flare to create FANgirl Blog, where she discusses Star Wars, fandom, and the intersection of women within Star Wars fandom. She is co-author of Ultimate Star Wars and Star Wars Visual Encyclopedia from DK Publishing, a featured writer for Star Wars Insider magazine with numerous articles on the Hero's Journey. Her FANgirl opinions can be heard on the podcasts Hyperspace Theories and Fangirls Going Rogue. Tricia Barr's novel, Wynde, won the 2014 Independent Publisher Book Award Gold Medal for Best Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror Ebook. She was also part of Silence in the Library's successful all-female creator science fiction and fantasy anthology Athena's Daughters, which is available now. For excerpts and tales of her adventures in creating a fictional universe, hop over to